Tax guides

Written by Ray Coman

The tax system is complex and constantly changing. The guides in this part of the website help explain some of the more commonly approached areas. They cannot replace proper tax advice based on your individual circumstances. It should go without saying that we would not accept liability for any loss you suffer based on the free information on this website.


You are welcome to contact us with any comments or feedback.


This website has been written by Raphael Coman, FCCA, CTA and all content is owned exclusively by Coman & Co. Ltd.


#4 Ray Coman, FCCA, CTA 2023-10-26 22:01
If the compensation relates to the company's trading activity, it is usually subject to corporation tax.

If the compensation relates to a personal matter of one of the directors (and that does not sound like the case here) it is unlikely to be taxable.
#3 Deev 2023-10-26 10:36
Hi Ray,

I have just a question. Is a compensation received (out of court settlement between two corporate bodies) taxable?
Thank you
#2 Ray Coman, FCCA, CTA 2021-02-12 15:29

A deposit is not an expense when it is paid and it is not income when it is received back from the tenant.
#1 Daria 2021-02-11 15:27
I have just a question regarding a status of deposit for Landlord. Is it income for a Landlord or not? Is it included on clause 20 P a g e U K P 2? Than you.

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